Many thanks to Mr. Arno Mayer and Mrs. Haas of the Styrian Chamber of Agriculture for the productive meeting!
Mayer (LK), Haas (LK) and the FAIR FUTURE Team (Ausserwinkler, Deixelberger, Lienhart, Spiegl) discussed about the future of the planned FAIR FUTURE Competence Centre in Styria.
We are very pleased that members of the Styrian Chamber of Agriculture will attend our workshop on July 6th at the City Council in Graz!
Graz/May 2016/Lienhart
We were pleased to overhand a brand new work unit - a notebook - to our honorary president Bernd Spiegl for his long lasting volunteer work for EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURS.
Dear Bernd, thank you so much for your great work and support!
We look forward to many years united in the FAIR FUTURE family !!!
Our long-term partner, the agricultural school Alt-Grottenhof invited to the annual bio festival!
This year the FAIR FUTURE team had its own stand. Together with some residents of the CARITAS refuge house organic garlic from Graz and magnificent FAIR FUTURE Salse and Pesti were offered. All information about the current activities, such as the ECVET AGENT pilot course which is being carried out jointly with CARITAS in the LFS were presented at the stand
We thank director Kerngast for the invitation and congratulate the whole team for a great festival!
The ECVET AGENT pilot course started in the LFS Alt-Grottenhof. The first group of participants came accompanied by Claudia Vajda (Caritas) and is looking forward to an exciting course and also to see the agricultural part of the school. Director Kerngast has warmly welcomed the group and fixed a guided tour through the school and the productionplaces.
The FAIR FUTURE team wishes all participants a lot of positive outcomes and a good time at school!
In May we met our longtime friends and partners Jana Tomova, Rudko Toma and Barbora Vavrova in Kremnica. We discussed possibilities of sustainable continuation with our ECVET AGENT project. Furthermore we planned the next harvesting in Austria and the the first training for our participants in the field of pesto and salsa production. After this training in summer the participants should be able to produce these products in Slovakia by themself!
Kremnica/May 2016/Mandl
In April 2016, the final meeting for the ECVET AGENT pilot project with the head of the women home of the Caritas Diocese Graz-Seckau - Claudia Vajda - and a part of the participants took place.
Graz/April 2016/Mandl
Graz, City of Human Rights, invited together with the municipalty of Maribor and EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURS to the first of five international conferences.
The city of Graz has submitted the project DEPART under the EU program "Europe for Citizens" and together with the partner towns Marburg (SI), Pécs (HU), Koprivnica (HR) and Prato (IT) won the bid.
The first event, entitled "Housing provision for Roma and other traveler communities" should serve as a basis for integration, innovative approaches and ideas for creating habitats of the target group.
Among the 125 registered guests: Councillor Sissi Potzinger as representative of the mayor of the City of Graz Siegfried Nagl, the deputy mayor of the municipality ofMaribor, high representatives of Roma organizations, Darko Rudas from Murska Sobota, Gyorgy Sumeghyvon from the organization Habitat for Humanity International, Heidulf Gerngross - international architect, Thomas Schobesberger from the Alliance for Roma Inclusion of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, Marion Alexandra Würz-Stalder - architect and professor at the FH Joanneum Graz and many more ...
The FAIR FUTURE team thanks all supporters, participants and presenters!
Dr. Christiane Ausserwinkler and Bernd Spiegl were representing EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURS, Association for the promotion of disadvantaged in Europe, in the Austrian Parliament on 04.11.2016 which dignified the life and work of our longtime friend and esteemed honorary member Prof. Rudolf Sarközi.
Foto © Parlamentsdirektion Johannes Zinner
Vienna/April 2016/Ausserwinkler&Spiegl
On 1st of April the representatives of EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURS met Dir. DI Kerngast and Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Friedrich Leitgeb (University of Agricultural Sciences in Vienna) in Alt-Grottenhof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Friedrich Leitgeb will conduct the pilot project within the framework of the EU program ECVET AGENT, which is carried out shortly in Alt-Grottenhof in cooperation with Caritas Graz.
Graz/April 2016/Mandl
We are very grateful that we were able to welcome the ECVET expert Sabine Tritscher-Archan in our office. Sabine Tritscher-Archan has not only brought us closer general information of ECVET policies but has also passed with us the newly developed agricultural course ECVET AGENT in detail and has contributed her expertise to optimize > developed with several European partners.
We would like to thank the OEAD for their support and also Sabine Tritscher-Archan for her feedback, time and help.
At the initiative of Fritz Prem (Von Herzen Biobauern) Dr. Herbert Böchzelt (Joanneum Research) and Markus Mandl (EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURS) met Dr. Thomas Rühmer of the Agricultural school Haidegg. Possibilities of cooperation with Haidegg as part of our planned project in the phytosanitary field were discussed.
Graz/March 2016/Mandl
Mag. Markus Hein of BIOKOSMOS and EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURS met in March 2016 for several workshops to discuss possibilities of future cooperation..
Graz/March 2016/Mandl