There are so many things we can do
>>> see forewords
Picture: BIG SHOT
Christian Jungwirth
The aim of the FAIR FUTURE JOB VERMITTLUNG – BBE, for asylum seekers and refugees in the agriculture and forestry sectors in Styria, is to bring asylum seekers, Convention refugees and subsidiary beneficiaries nearer to employment in agricultural and forestry labour market. Through advice and intermediation of the target group and future employers, we create a bridge of communication, relationships and possibilities.
EUROPEAN NEIGHBORS / January 2018 / Graz
19 participant from 7 countries came together to implement the first "Learning, Teaching and Training Activity", part of EXPECT MORE ERASMUS + Key Action 2 project in Bratislava. In addition to lectures, workshops and presentations, networking had a crucial importance in this activity!
We would like to thank all the participants for their inputs and the time!
EUROPEAN NEIGHBORS/January 2018/Bratislava
On the occasion of the ball of the "Hungarian Association of Graz" there was a working meeting with the Hungarian delegation from Pecs and EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURS, among others the municipal councilor Éva Sztojkovics and vice-mayor István Decsi were part of the delegation and the results and the next steps of the cooperation were discussed.
We look forward to the next steps together!