EN Christmas Party

On December 11th EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURS invited friends, sponsors and supporters to a small Christmas party at the Frischeparadies Thomüller in Graz.

Among the guests we were able to welcome Sissi Potzinger, Bernd Spiegl, Herbert Böchzelt, Erich Kerngast, Alois Paul, Georg Müllner, Gregor Withalm, ManuW and many others.

We thank all visitors for their attendance and start the new year full of energy.

see all pictures >>>>

Lienhart/December 2014/Graz

Meeting with Representatives of ROMA-schools

In December 2014 EN met high representatives of ROMA-schools (higher education and VET) in Bratislava. We explored options for common projects in Slovakia. After this meeting we had a reception with employees from Ministry of Social affairs.

Mandl&Lienhart/December 2014/Bratislava


With pleasure we received the good news from the OeAD (Austrian agency for international mobility and cooperation in education, science and research) – our ECVET AGENT project was approved as one of eight projects in the field of VET. Details about our partners, the content and the objectives will be presented within the next weeks!

see all pictures >>>>

Mandl/October 2014/Graz

Workshop ERASMUS+

For successful applicants in the new ERASMUS+ programme the OeAD (Austrian agency for international mobility and cooperation in education, science and research) organized a seminar in Vienna and informed the organisations about contracts, rules and laws. We joined that important seminar to inform our partner during the planned kick-off meeting in Schwerin (DE).

Mandl/October 2014/Graz

Marketable Garlic

In October 2014 we welcomed a group of nine motivated participants in our project from Banska Bystrica (SK). During one week they learned how to present our products on the market. Overall they produced 1.000 perfect packages of BIO-garlic from Graz Alt-Grottenhof for selling on the market.

see all pictures >>>>

Mandl/October 2014/Graz

Scope of garlic

Together with our honorary member, Mr. o.Univ.Prof.Dr. Rudolf Bauer, University Professor of Pharmacognosy at the Karl-Franzens University in Graz, we are going to research the scopes of garlic in certain sectors.

Mandl/October 2014/University of Graz

FAIR FUTURE Charity-Brunch

On 12th of October 2014 European Neighbours organized a charity-brunch for the benefit of our FAIR FUTURE BIO GARLIC project. The chef of the SCHLOSSBERG restaurant, Mr. Christof Widakovich, served our guests a delicious garlic-soup – amongst the guests we could welcome Ms. Sissi Potzinger, councilwoman of the City of Graz, Mr. Eduard Hamedl, Member of the Styrian parliament, BR Dieter Mand, Viceconsul Alois Paul and a lot of supporters, partners and friends. Many thanks to the Weinstadl-Musi for the perfect performance!

see all pictures >>>

Mandl/October 2014/Schlossberg

Presentations of FAIR FUTURE at LR Seitinger

The local councilor of Graz, Ms. Sissi Potzinger, and CEO Markus P. Mandl presented LR Seitinger the FAIR-FUTURE project and the concept of a competence center for organic garlic in Graz. In consultation with the Austrian Ministry for Agriculture we are going to develop this innovative center for Austrian farmers.

Mandl/October 2014/Graz

EN attended ROMACT Conference in Brussels

On 2nd and 3rd October 2014 in Brussels, European Neighbours attended the conference "Roma inclusion on the ground - the ROMACT approach".
Mayors from cities in Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia met with the Commission to discuss the initial results of ROMACT, a joint programme of the European Commission and the Council of Europe aimed at supporting Roma inclusion.
High level representatives from the European institutions were present - included Lazslo Andor, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Soraya Post MEP, Paraskevi Michou, Acting Director-General, Justice, Lieve Fransen, Director for Europe 2020: Social Policies in Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion DG, and Vittoria Alliata, Director for Administrative Capacity Building & South-East Europe in Regional & Urban Policy DG.
During the conference we disseminated our FAIR FUTURE project and the results of our ERNE-project.

see all pictures >>>

Mandl/October 2014/Brussels

EN meets DG Justice

End of September 2014 we met in Brussels Ms. Ilona Negro, Roma Team Leader – Non discrimination policies and Roma coordination. In a very constructive meeting we worked out new perspectives and milestones for our future strategy.

Mandl&Lienhart/September 2014/Brussels

ERNE Final Dissemination Conference in Brussels

On 1st of October 2014 we participated on the Final Dissemination Conference within our ERNE project in Brussels. Ivan Ivanov from ERIO (European Roma Information Office) welcomed members of the DGs Socio, Justice and Education and a lot of interested persons. Members of the partner countries presented their policy recommendation papers in for different education sectors. After the conference we had a important partner-meeting under the guidance of our co-coordinator from Koprivnica.

see all pictures >>>

Mandl/October 2014/Brussels

Meetings with our partners in Europe

In September 2014 Markus Mandl and Philipp Lienhart visited our partners in Croatia, Hungary and in Slovakia. The first stop on our tour we had in Koprivnica. Together with the Deputy Mayor Mr. Jaksic, Mr. Bajalica, Ms. Knesevic and our regional director Mr. Aralica we discussed the further cooperation in different possible projects.

Next stop Pecs – Councilman Mr. Decsi informed us about the planting in Hungary and the activities of Pecs in ROMACT. The next day we spent in Hostie with our successful partners Jana Tomova and Rudko Toma. The last station led us to Bratislava and members of the Ministry for Social Affairs and the office of the plenipotentiary for Roma affairs.

Mandl/September 2014/Koprivnica-Pecs-Hostie-Bratislava

EN and University of Technology Graz

The former rector of the University of Technology in Graz, o. Univ.Prof. DI Dr. Hans Sünkel, promised his help to get in touch with the DG REGIO and DG AGRI in Brussels.

Mandl/September 2014/Graz

Meeting in the Ministry for Social Affairs

Together with Prof. Rudolf Sarközi members of EN met Mr. Roland Hanak, undersecretary in the Ministry for Social Affairs, and had a revealing conversation.

Mandl/September 2014/Vienna

Cooperation Meeting with the City of Maribor

For the planned EU-project "Europe for Citizens" we had a meeting with the responsible "Office of Project Development" in the City of Maribor. Together with Ms. Gordana Kolesaric and Ms. Jasmina Klojcnik (representing the University of Maribor) we discussed the cooperation in the network of cities and other possible projects for social disadvantaged people. After a meeting with the acting major we got the official confirmation for the participation in the application next March. We are looking forward for the next steps!

Mandl/August 2014/Maribor

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