Together with the Genussmanufaktur Lukashof http://www.lukashof.com/ and culinary expert Taliman Sluga we have produced four different semiluxury food from our organic garlic from Graz. Since this month the results from our environmental and social FAIR FUTURE project can be now enjoyed even in glasses as pesto, salse and lard. You can find and buy our products at Stadtbauernladen, Hamerlinggasse in Graz http://www.stadtbauernladen.com/, bei Spezialitäten Paul am Lendplatz http://vinothek-paul.at/, at Frischeparadies Thomüller http://frischeparadies.at/ and at EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURS in der Großmarktstraße 8b in Graz.
Lienhart/November 2015/Graz