Graz, City of Human Rights, invited together with the municipalty of Pécs and EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURS to the second of five international Roma-conferences.
The city of Graz was awarded for the project DEPART under the EU program "Europe for Citizens" together with the partner towns Marburg (SI), Pécs (HU), Koprivnica (HR) and Prato (IT).
The second event, entitled " THE POSSIBILITIES FOR EDUCATION AND TRAINING ESPECIALLY FOR ROMA COMMUNITIES " should serve as a basis for integration, innovative approaches and ideas for creating ways in education and training.
Among the 150 registered guests: Councillor Sissi Potzinger as representative of the mayor of the City of Graz Siegfried Nagl, the deputy mayor of the municipality of Pécs, high representatives of Roma organizations, Jan Hero (ministry Slovakia), director Virag Bertalan (Gandhi Gymnasium), director Jana Tomova (Sukromne Gymnasium), representatives of the Hungarian ministry, representatives of the university of Pécs and many more